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I know that I typically write blog posts about my cancer journey, but I need to brag on my BFF a little bit. If you aren’t into sappy stuff, then you should probably stop reading this right now.


I’ve known you for over 10 years and my life is pretty unimaginable without you. Many things have occurred over the past few months that have made me realise how lucky and fortunate I am to call you my best friend. Today is your birthday and because we are half way around the world from one another, I was hoping this would make you smile on your special day.

It’s hard to put into words just how much you mean to me, because words will never be enough. To say you’re amazing is an understatement. You’re so much more, you’re strong, caring, independent and selfless. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out.

Life, sometimes it pulls the rug from under our feet. Suddenly, we find ourselves broken and unable to get back up. When I was diagnosed, you were there standing right next to me, telling me that everything would be okay. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change and chaos.

You’re there for me, always. And on this journey, we call life, it doesn’t matter where we are or how far apart we may be, just remember I will always cherish you and our incredible friendship.


Lots of love, Chi x

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