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It has been an extremely tough few weeks both mentally and emotionally, and the side effect of fatigue has well and truly taken over. One night this week I lay wide awake with all the familiar feelings of sleeplessness and thoughts running through my head, knowing that sleep wasn’t in sight I knew it was time to update you all.

Following surgery, a biopsy of my cancer was sent to Australia for further analysis and a second opinion. The team did multiple tests which suggested it was a different type of cancer. So, from here my cancer was then shipped all the way to Minnesota, United States where the Mayo Clinic would begin their extensive review on my not-so-simple cancer diagnosis. After multiple tests a new diagnosis was confirmed.

My new diagnosis: Gastroblastoma - a recently identified, extremely rare biphasic epithelial-mesenchymal tumor of the stomach, predominantly seen in young adults.

Unfortunately, our best friend Doctor Google won’t be able to answer all those weird and wonderful questions as there’s only eight cases ever reported in the medical literature. That’s right, I am number nine! I was rather disheartened when I was told the news and almost felt like I was back at square one, taking steps backwards rather than being another step closer to the finish line.

My new chemo regime is VAC/IE. It alternates between two combinations of drugs given every 2 to 3 weeks. The first set of drugs includes vincristine, doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide which is given over two days. Then the next part of the cycle is a combination of ifosfamide and etoposide given over three days. As this is a new regime I was required to stay in-patient to ensure I was monitored closely.

Every bump in the road is going to make you appreciate something new and on this occasion, it was the support I have around me. Cancer is not something you fight alone. Going into this I had no idea how many people truly supported me. I knew I had my family and close friends, but it's really touching how many people have sent positive and uplifting messages of support. When you go through something so traumatic and life-threatening, this means everything. I'm so grateful and inspired to have such a strong team fighting with me!

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