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Updated: Jun 13, 2018

Today I turned 23 which means I'm another year closer to my quarter-life crisis!

As a young girl, I grew up counting down the days until my birthday. The day we celebrated me. Every year on the 17th of April, I successfully completed another trip around the sun. I was a year older, and always figured, a year wiser. Friends were invited, cake was inhaled, laughter commenced, and lots of memories were made. Since cancer has invaded my life like an unwelcome party guest, my birthday appeared to have deeper significance than ever before.

I'd be lying if I hadn't wondered how many more birthdays I may be here for. The unpredictability of cancer can be difficult to understand for people who have never been affected. One of the hardest things to grasp is how quickly and easily things can change. One moment I'm out and about enjoying my days, then the next I'd prefer to just stay tucked up in bed. There are so many fears that accompany a cancer diagnosis and these fears change everyday. These experiences have shaped me and allowed me to appreciate what's really important in life when the only thing you're wishing for is another day, all small problems seem insignificant.

If I could have one birthday wish, it would be for myself and for all those fighting to be cured. As far as birthday wishes go, I know mine is a big one. However, I hope that one day no one will ever have to endure this same journey.

It has been a big year, and I feel as if I've grown a lot. Everyday I am approached by a new challenge that life has thrown at me, but this is a gentle reminder that each day is a blessing and today especially, made me appreciate my beautiful life. As we get older, time moves faster than ever. Each year added to our life is another one to be grateful for, and if this journey has taught me anything, it is to make every moment in life count.

Again, I'd like to thank all the beautiful people who made my day so special, you know who you are!

Much love,

Chi x

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