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As another New Year approaches, there’s lots of buzz around new resolutions; people quiting bad habits, eating healthier, exercising more, and better managing their stress in everyday life.

What about me and my cancer diagnosis?

I have always been healthy.

I have always remained fit.

Still, I find that at such a young age I was diagnosed with cancer, and I can’t help but think with all the buzz around these seemingly simplistic resolutions, why me? After a year of fighting the biggest battle I’ll ever have to face, I am ready to close this chapter!

I’m so thankful to be here to see the beginning of a new year. I suspect most people are, but cancer survivors are a special breed because they fight so hard to be here. We treasure the time and recognise it for what it is - a gift.

My whole world was flipped upside down when I was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer on the 1st of February. Everything changed in that moment, but I had the opportunity to either embrace it or let it ruin me. Everything I’ve been forced to battle against, as excruciating as it was, taught me what’s really important in life. Often, we take things for granted and unfortunately, it takes something extraordinary to happen for us to realise how precious life really is. When every day was spent fighting for my life, and wishing for more time, all small problems and materialistic things don’t matter. So, this New Year take a second to be grateful for everything you have, and all the exceptional people that surround you, I sure will be!

Happy New Year everyone!

Love, Chi x

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