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To: Chi

From: Your Mum and Dad

Chi Chi, where do we begin, at the beginning I guess when you came into this world kicking and screaming and never really stopped moving except when you fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. You were the first to be upwardly mobile of your siblings, not sure about the pool/swimming though but you've made up for that since?

You were our little blonde bombshell, even then you were fearless and strong throwing yourself into many near misses from the spa pool incident, the stroller and a flight of stairs and of course your brother, a pram, a steep concrete drive and a fence! You survived all that life threw at you.

Like any parents we wish we could take all of this latest experience life has thrown at you all away and make you better, we can't bear to see you suffer. But it's that spirit, positive attitude and smiling face that keeps us all going everyday.

Now as we near the finish line you have had us all focus so positively on and we can see those little tufts of baby blonde hair fighting to grow back, we know we will have our Chelsea Bun back to full strength soon, hitting that thing we call life head on and into a very bright future.

We love you more than you could ever know, so here's to you Chi Chi.

Love Mum and Dad x

To: Chels

From: Your brother

Chels, you've been to hell and back. Had your ups and downs, trials and tribulations. But every step of the way you've shown a maturity and grace beyond your years. A smile that could break through any dark cloud that would otherwise break a normal person. You aren't normal though and this last year has proven that!

Watching from afar I've had a unique experience. Not being able to hold your hand through it all has been hard. The time I did spend at home let me see that you didn't need a hand to hold, you didn't want special treatment, you just wanted to be you.

You're wonder woman. You're an inspiration to others fighting for their lives. You're you and you are amazing! Love you x

To: Chi Chi

From: Your sister

Dear Chels,

It was the 1st of Feb, coming home to some news, fearing for the worst but hoping for the best. Life was about to put my family through an unforgettable test. I remember heading straight to the hospital and running into your arms, just wishing I could protect you from all of this harm. In your eyes I could see the pain, slowly tears roll down our faces, they won't refrain. How could life be so unfair? Forcing you to fight this battle that nobody should ever have to bare.

However, I never had a doubt that you wouldn't make it out. Even when seeing you at your worst, I knew it would soon be reversed. Watching you lose your hair we shed many tears, however that day with Ollie by your side, I could already see you were going to rock it with pride. The most beautiful person inside and out, somebody we would never want to be without. But as the days and months went on, you started to get strong. Your attitude and smile is what has pushed you forward, you’ve put up an incredible fight now its time for your future to finally take flight.

You are stronger than I could ever be and the hero in my eyes I will always see. It’s been one hell of a ride but I am so proud to see you walk away with a stride.

Love you always,

Your little sister xx

To: Chelsea-Bun

From: Your grandparents

All families to a greater or lesser extent suffer loss, distress, adversity in their lives and we have to find ways to cope and recover, and we do mostly, and get on with our lives, but we are never prepared when these crisis hit us and the shock overrides everything happening around us.

As you know from following Chelsea's Blog our beautiful girl is fighting with every ounce of her body to recover from a horrible cancer diagnoses almost a year ago. We have been extremely lucky to be a part of Chelsea's life, it has been such fun watching her grow up, sharing her special sporting achievements, getting to know her friends and boyfriends, watching her emerge into a beautiful confident caring young lady ready to take on the world.

This year when her world turned upside down she has had to dig really deep to deal with everything being thrown at her from her cancer treatment and we have often felt totally helpless, but the strength and positivity from Chelsea is amazing, she has an indomitable spirit, is a determined and courageous young lady. You just have to see that smile and feel instantly heartened to know that life will return to normal, we are so proud of you Chelsea.

We have been so fortunate to have the support of a very large family around us and a wonderful team of family and friends all around the world, we want you to know your support has been invaluable, sharing our worries, keeping in contact with Chelsea and her Mum, Dad and family, thank you everyone for your love, positivity and strength it is an enormous help.

Love you always,

Nana and Bhuta

To: Chi

From: Your best friend

Life has been pretty wonderful to us: when we were 10 we were learning dance routines to “Absolutely Everybody” in the Sunnybrae Primary school hall; at 15 we trained all summer and made our first New Zealand Water Polo team together; and this year, at 23, we got creative with fairy lights and polaroids for your hospital room, which happened to be in the cancer ward at Auckland hospital. Each year of our friendship has been unique, and 2018 – despite the obvious grief, anger and disbelief at what you have been put through – has, in its own way, been another year of unique and wonderful moments that exist in a friendship like ours.

I want to use this feature on the infamous Chi-blog to share five of these special moments from a year clearly different to the rest:

1. Your first steps outside after weeks in hospital from your first chemo’s side effects. We angered road rules by wheeling you down to the domain in the wrong direction, threw down the picnic blanket, spread copious amounts of food and smiled our way through the afternoon. Not all of it was comfortable, not all of it was easy, but you were outside and laughing and that was all the wonderful we needed.

2. The Chi-army trip to the Mount. We realised years ago that our clan is epic, but gosh did they bring it to the Mount! Never have I seen such fierce games of articulate, wild dance moves from Kim Ford or such glee on grown young adults during an Easter egg hunt. I know I speak for everyone when I say we left that trip absolutely elated with our friendships and with you. Your happiness and beauty was the most wonderfully infectious thing that weekend.

3. As a strong advocate for Girl Gangs, your birthday party slides in here at number three. Not only was celebrating your 23rd birthday wonderful enough, but the company that surrounded you was a bunch of strong and impressive young women! We have been surrounded by girl power for many years and this moment was a simple reminder of how important that is.

4. Witnessing the in-pour of support for your Walking Stars campaign. You have tackled this year with such grace and on top of that, exceeded expectations to make something out of it to help others in the future. All the opportunities that followed (NZ Herald interview, radio debut and panel attendances) are like gold stars on a report card to how wonderful you have been during your battle.

5. And finally, a specifically personal one – the moment we said goodbye at the airport before I left for my semester abroad. You said in my ear, “do it all, while I can’t.” This for me was one of the most wonderful moments of 2018 as it stands to be the perfect symbol of our friendship. In a year where you deserve to be so selfish and self-centered, you have unconditionally supported me and exuded pride in us. We are wonderful because we are there for each other wholeheartedly in the good, bad and mediocre of life – 2018 has been an exceptional example of this.

Forever proud of you and can’t wait to experience more wonderful moments with you in 2019, 2020 and beyond.

With love,

Your Mia

To: Our Chi

From: Abs and Em

We are old enough and smart enough to know that everyday bad things happen. It turns out that we were also naive enough to think that our loved ones would forever be sheltered from such cruelties.

Despite one of us being close by and the other in Europe the whirlwind of emotions since February 1st have been just the same.

Confusion, anger, denial, frustration, sadness, despair…

At times these emotions got the better of us and we found ourselves in a dark place, angry at the world. When we stumbled we were lucky enough to be drawn back to the surface with the help of friends and family and by the promise of hope.

They say that love is the strongest emotion, but after these past 10 months we both agree that it is hope that is superior above all else. Facing a situation entirely out of our control and no ability to provide a quick fix, all we were left to do was hope. We found solace in our friendship and hoped that it would be enough. We made sure we laughed and smiled and hoped that we were giving you what you needed from us.

Above all we were hopeful that our Chi would fight.

Everyday people go about their lives without ever truly living. Your journey this year has shown us both how important it is to live everyday to the very best of our abilities, to treasure every moment no matter how small and to face down every challenge with a “not today” attitude.

Watching how you have tackled this life-changing hurdle has left us both feeling overwhelmingly proud. Proud that you are fighting everyday with everything that you've got, often giving more of yourself than she has. Proud that you have made it your mission this year to help others who are facing similar challenges and sharing your own struggles as well as your achievements to motivate and uplift those around you. Proud that along your journey you have found your inner strength and have blossomed into the woman that you were always meant to be, the woman that we have been lucky enough to grow up with and the woman that you have all met. In each of your blog posts and each of your interviews you share more of yourself with the world and we are all better off because of it.

We are proud and eternally blessed that everyday we get to call you our best friend and our inspiration.

With love, forever and always,

Abs & Em

To: Chi

From: Your best guy pal

Growing up with you offers a solid reference point from the Chels that you once were to the Chi who you’ve evolved into. This year, life has fastened you to a seat on its cliched rollercoaster, but with twists and turns that haven’t even been penciled out yet. You’ve allowed yourself to feel the drops, embrace the climbs and God knows you’ve puked a little; always knowing better than to dwell in anticipation. There’s an energy you exude that certifies you’ve found who you’re meant to be, and that you’ve committed to her. Your positivity and resilience fiercely on display to be embodied by all you meet. For how can we cry if you’re laughing?

As your friend, I’ve struggled to grasp the height of your hurdles until you’ve cleared them; a mode my mind defaults to in protection. It’s difficult to contemplate you losing your stomach, let alone acknowledging that you have a cancer so rare that prognoses are mere stabs in the dark. It’s hard to find the balance between being there and being suffocating; to be vigilante that the once observer doesn’t become incessantly observed. It’s torture to watch you in such discomfort with nothing to offer but a constant drone that one day it’ll all be behind you. But it’s your strength that gives me strength. As you bear severe pain with your characteristic smile it’s easier to accept the tears running down your face. I often fear my supportive words feel shallow: “let’s face this together” seems flippant when you’re the troop on the field, “good luck” feels inappropriate when it’s your strength that deserves the tribute and “things happen for a reason” now just seems plain wrong.

Through it all though, my biggest anxiety is that all accounted for, I’m still in your debt. I worry that all I have to offer you is my assurance, and sometimes a hug; whereas you give me the endless stream of hope that if my character were ever to be tested, then I too could find the person inside me ready to fight so valiantly.

I respect you more than you could ever know.

Love always,


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