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It has been just over three weeks since surgery and I believe my recovery is on track. I have my days where I can’t tolerate food and end up with my head down the toilet. However, I also have very good days where I get out of the house and do normal, everyday things. I like these days because I get the chance to feel normal during a very chaotic time in my life.

It's still shocking when I see the scar on my abdomen. The size of the scar is not the issue, it's the enormity of the surgery and the journey I've endured. The scars on my body are a reminder that I am alive and they resemble all of the challenges I’ve faced and overcome. I’m still healing but I’m proud of where I’m at, and how far I’ve come to get to where I am today. These experiences are what make us stronger! Life will knock you down but you are the only one with the power to pick yourself up and continue the fight. My fight isn’t over. It’s time to push forward and overcome the next obstacle.

So, moving forward I am about to undergo another 12 weeks of chemotherapy. After meeting with my team, it was decided that I was ready to jump straight back in and continue my chemo regime. There is a slight risk starting chemo so quickly after such a major surgery, however, due to the nature of the cancer, it is important to have more chemo to destroy any microscopic pieces that cannot be seen by the naked eye. I’ve had a mentally demanding week contemplating the uncertainty of the next few months. Reality has set in and it has been difficult picturing what is going to happen next but I am feeling confident within myself that I am ready to start this next part of my journey.

The people around me who have provided their undivided support through this, those who have been there consistently, are the ones I want to thank. Thank you for reminding me every day of who I really am, the person I once was and the person I have become. Those who have sat and cried with me, and will continue to sit with me no matter how long this journey takes. Those who have made each day more enjoyable and reminded me to appreciate the beauty of life. When I needed each of them, they have been there. The simplest actions have proven to be the most significant to me and allowed me to push through every single day. So, thank you!

I’m ready to keep fighting and do whatever I need to get through this because although it’s difficult now, this is just for now. In the grand scheme of life, it’s just a little blip in time, and the fight will be worth it. Every hurdle we have to encounter is another opportunity for us to grow, to learn, to fight, and boy am I ready to fight!

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