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For some of you, this is just an ordinary date. But for me, this date will stick with me forever.

5th of November 2018.

The day I’ve dreamt of since I was first diagnosed.

The day I was told I had BEAT STAGE FOUR CANCER!

The recent news of my remission was met with many emotions. Pure happiness, joy and gratitude. This has been by far the toughest and most testing journey I’ve ever been through and I can’t believe it’s coming to an end.

Yes, the treatment is finished, and I feel like I have just woken up from a terrible nightmare, but the battle is not quite over. The chemo has been effective in shrinking the spot which was visible on earlier scans, however I require an MRI in a few weeks. Both my oncologist and surgeon have agreed that removing the spot will be the best option. This means I will have a minor procedure done (hopefully) before Christmas.

It’s funny how much we take things in our lives for granted, and unfortunately it takes something big to happen in our lives for us to realise how precious life really is. It’s easy to forget the simple fact that we are lucky to be alive. So often in life we are caught up in the little problems which realistically don’t have a significant impact on our lives, however to us, it seems like the end of the world. Honestly, this was me. And then cancer happened, and it put so much into perspective.

People always comment on how positive and strong I have been throughout my journey but I have no one to be more thankful for that than my family. To be my pillars of strength when my whole world was falling apart, and every day since, is something I will forever be thankful for. I am equally as grateful for all my exceptional medical teams who fought alongside me through my entire treatment, and who welcomed every set back with a new plan. I am extremely grateful to be able to say I’m a survivor and I am counting my lucky stars to be given another chance at life.

Sharing your life with cancer reminds you that there is a lesson in everything. Sharing your life with cancer reminds you to embrace every day, cherish the ones in your life that bring happiness and believe that you can overcome anything you set your mind to.

Life can be so confronting and unpleasant, but it is also so incredibly beautiful. That makes everything so worth the fight!

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